Welcome to Baruch HaShem Messianic Congregation of San Antonio. Come learn about the Astounding Hebraic insights in the Holy Scriptures! You are invited to come worship with us as we give praise to the Almighty God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Come and embrace Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah. Come be blessed and experience the Beautiful Hebrew Liturgy, the Torah Service, Anointed Praise & Worship, Davidic Dance, and Inspirational Teachings. Join us for one of our services. Everyone is welcome! Dress is usually somewhere between business casual and casual dress.
THE CHILDREN'S ORPHANAGE in MEXICO is just one example of how our congregation
reaches out to our neighboring communities and families in need. If you'd like to be part of helping the orphanage through donation or if you'd like to volunteer your time and visit the orphanage , please see Yvette Collazo. If you have a passion for helping others and building up the Kingdom of Yeshua, please see one of the Shamashim to ask where you could best contribute at Baruch HaShem. At Baruch HaShem, we love our neighbors.